It's been a while since I blogged. Now, it's summer and whole lot of things to happen.
We've been to NYC and back. We've suffered through "Streets Alive" in downtown Lee's Summit...(it wasn't really). We had a great galloping Lady's Nite Out, and wish we could do that weekly. It was like a Christmas rush day. I have Amy Robertson from Cameron's to thank for that. They plan and execute Lady's Nite Out. This is their event. The Tominia's are such generous people, I am honored to know them. Amy devised the evening so that the 500 ladies who shopped all day on Saturday had a form to fill out. At each of the participating stores, we had chosen a secret word. To get the word, you had to visit each store and write down the word next to the participating shop's name. (Like playing Password!) Once the form was completed, the 500 ladies had to return the form. Did Amy tell them to come back to her store? NO. She had them end the day at Doherty & Sullivan's to submit their form. They sure didn't have to do that, but they did. Amy's my pal! So are Sue & Steve. They can do no wrong as far as I am concerned.
So now that that's done, we need to spark interest in Lee's Summit thru the hot summer months. That will be tough, but like I always said, the hardest work comes after that last promotion. The party is the easiest. It's the clean-up that's tough to keep motivated for.
Irish Fest - I'm working on it. Having family over to plan our strategy. I will have a room at the Hyatt to keep everyone refreshed and also to sleep over in. Our tent size won't change. At least this year. Not happy about it, but there is no way to create space from nothing. But we'll have a blast anyway. It's gotten to be a tradition that I look forward to, Janet and me and brother Jay and sister Annette meet us at the Fest grounds and unload. They get us set up in time to open by 5:00 and we work that first night. I think that I enjoy that first nite the best. The excitement and anticipation of what is going to happen the next couple of days. Having Jay and Annette the first day, the folks who come out just to see US and the new folks who learn about us. It's Awesome. Hey, look for us. Don't know yet where we'll be, but we'll be there.